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Research Summary
Late medieval English urban history.
PhD, History, University of Cambridge
MA, Medieval Studies, University of York, UK
Selected Publications & Presentations
Ladies’ Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1839 – Litchfield, Connecticut.” Connecticut History Review 63, no. 2 (2024): 80-94. Research Note. https://doi.org/10.5406/26395991.63.2.04
Nilson, Ben and Ruth Frost. “Attitudes to Pregnancy, Childbirth and Postnatal Complications in Medieval English Miracula.” Gender & History. Online Version of Record published 02 October 2023. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-0424.12735
“The Rise of Admission by Apprenticeship Among the Freemen of Norwich, 1365-1415.” In Essays in Memory of Paul E. Szarmach, edited by Joel T. Rosenthal and Virginia Blanton, 119-46. Studies in Medieval and Renaissance History, ser. 3, vol. 17. York, UK: Arc Humanities Press, 2023.
“A Common Clerk as Courtholder: Geoffrey Spirleng in Late Medieval Norwich.” Florilegium 34 (2017): 7-26. Volume published in 2021.
“The Evolution of Personal Pledging for the Freemen of Norwich, 1365-1441.” Quidditas 39 (2018): 94-119. Quidditas is the online journal of the Rocky Mountain Medieval and Renaissance Association.
“A Brief Note on Geoffrey Spirleng, Co-Scribe of MS Hunter 197 (U.1.1), and His Compilation of the Old Free Book of Norwich, NRO, NCR Case 17c.” Journal of the Early Book Society 19 (2016): 241-48.
“The Urban Elite.” In Medieval Norwich, edited by Carole Rawcliffe and Richard Wilson, 235-253. London: Hambledon and London, 2004.
“The Archiepiscopal Indulgences for the City of York 1450-1500.” Edited with Ben Nilson. In The Church in Medieval York: Records edited in honour of Professor Barrie Dobson, edited by D.M. Smith, 113-22. Borthwick Texts and Calendars 24. York: University of York, 1999.